Miner should be re-elected as Syracuse mayor
The Daily Orange Editorial Board endorses Democrat Stephanie Miner for mayor of Syracuse.
Miner was elected to become the first female mayor of Syracuse in 2009. Since then, she has proven herself the proper leader for this city and the university within in it.
Students should support Miner in today’s election because of her involvement with Syracuse University. Miner has helped further initiatives closely tied to SU, including Say Yes to Education and the Connective Corridor. To accomplish these efforts, Miner worked closely with Chancellor Nancy Cantor. If re-elected, the plans she could fulfill with Chancellor-designate Kent Syverud to improve the university and its connection to the city are promising.
Miner has also played a major role in bettering the city. She has produced tangible improvements, rather than merely a presentation of ideas to pursue. Under Miner, the city has witnessed an expansion of community-friendly areas, including parks, restaurants and business chains. This has only enhanced the city’s image and brought its residents closer together.
Syracuse is in the thick of a fiscal crisis, and Miner is the best candidate to combat the problems that accompany it. Conservative candidate Ian Hunter and Green Party candidate Kevin Bott do not have as much political experience or support within the city compared to Miner.
Unlike Miner, both candidates struggled to raise campaign money. Between Jan.1-Oct. 21, Bott raised $2,691, according to the New York State Board of Elections campaign finance reports. Hunter had not yet filed any campaign finance reports as of Oct. 31. Between Jan. 1-Oct. 25, Miner raised $472,328 in her re-election bid, according to campaign finance reports.
Based on the above numbers and familiarity among her constituents, Miner is the favorite for this election, and reasonably so. Out of the three candidates, she is a suitable representative for the future of the university and city.
Voters should keep this in mind when they cast their ballots.