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Say Yes to Education serves as national, local force necessary for dreams of low-income students

Say Yes to Education serves as national, local force necessary for dreams of low-income students

Say Yes to Education has not only proven to be a potential answer to college affordability, it has made Syracuse – both the university and city – a model for the nation to follow.

Say Yes to Education is a national, nonprofit educational foundation committed to increasing high school and college graduation rates for the country’s urban youth. Say Yes confronts the financial crisis facing higher education today by partnering with universities to make tuition affordable.

On Sept. 18, 11 schools were added to the Say Yes compact, which allows eligible student candidates from low-income families to attend college for free. Fifty-four schools are now in the compact. Some of these universities will provide full tuition to students whose annual family income is $75,000 or less.

It is notable that universities like Dartmouth College, Cornell University and Princeton University joined the program. All prospective students deserve an opportunity to attend these high-ranking universities if they have the grades to be accepted, regardless of financial stability. Because of this expansion, more students have hope for their futures.

In Syracuse’s chapter of Say Yes, this hope is developed early on in a child’s schooling.

Syracuse was the site of the first city-wide implementation of Say Yes to Education, providing support programs to families and students from preschool through college, as well as the promise of college tuition. In 2009, the White House Task Force on Middle Class Families nationally recognized the local chapter.

Say Yes should continue to execute this city-wide model nationwide.

This citywide approach not only targets college-aged students, but also grade-school students whose lives could change because of Say Yes’ tutoring, after-school programming, family outreach, scholarships, social work and psychological services.

In doing so, the organization creates a base for students to expand upon for a successful future – personally and academically.

The organization encourages students to excel by offering them an opportunity for more in-depth learning beyond the normal classroom setting. With mentoring programs that prepare students for standardized testing, the playing field is leveled among students from different financial backgrounds.
University partnership with Say Yes also fosters close relationships between school-aged kids and SU students by integrating the university with the local community. Other universities in urban communities across the country can benefit from this model.

This organization provides opportunities for students to ultimately achieve their goals, regardless of financial instability. In doing so, it creates realistic and exciting futures.