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Teach for America inspires students but not effective in long run

Teach for America inspires students but not effective in long run

There have been three words coming out of everyone’s mouth on campus due to upcoming application deadlines and information session advertisements: Teach for America. Between conversations among seniors and enthusiastic former members, Teach for America has been the buzz around Syracuse University.

Millions of American children are dropping out of high school. Largely poor, only a fraction of these teenagers will ever graduate high school.

Teach for America is a non-profit organization that assists underprivileged students in the inner city schools of the United States. The organization distributes educated college graduates throughout needy national school districts. Teach for America instructors provide two years of high-level education that underprivileged students don’t experience due to class differences.

The program has a strong reputation and good intentions but has a major weakness: It employs short-term teachers who are not in it for the long haul.

The two-year time commitment for Teach for America is appealing to students with other plans for their future but want to find a way to contribute to a mission of social change. Good intentions aside, impoverished children should not be taught by people do not have long-term plans to continue teaching.

The students deserve to be taught by teachers who are in it for the long haul. The two-year mark leaves teachers with an impression that they are fulfilling their duties within this time period and do not need to continue with their efforts.

Despite recent recruiting efforts, some students are still skeptical.

‘Teach for America sounds like an interesting idea, but I don’t have any interest,’ said Briana Bartel, a television, radio and film major. ‘It seems like a process that has no continuation, and doing something for two years isn’t going to get the country in the right direction towards bettering our education system.’

It is only a step in the right direction toward making a real change in the public education system, not a solution to the whole problem.

In 2007, 13 million children in the United States are currently living in poverty according to the National Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia Unviersity. Only 10 percent of those children graduate high school according to Teach for America’s Web site. Because of their financial situation, these children will be denied a proper education. Instead of asking why this is happening, we need to focus on what we can do to solve this problem.

Cecilia VanHollen, an associate professor of anthropology at SU, has had many students participate in Teach for America.

‘It’s inspiring for students to sit in a classroom with young and passionate instructors versus burnt out teachers who are tired of the unfortunate cycle that is the public education system in the inner cities,’ VanHollen said.

‘With that said, it seems to be a popular trend to apply for Teach for America among college students at various universities across the country because it is a great resume builder,’ she continued. ‘One can only hope that the applicants’ purpose for involvement is because they are idealistic and ready to teach, not because it looks good for future employment opportunities.’

Last Tuesday, Teach for America visited SU for one of the many information sessions they give during recruitment season. The room was packed with students crammed at desks and sitting on top of each other, trying to figure out if Teach for America was right for them.

Some students seemed to be thinking of their own futures rather than the disadvantaged children

‘I’ve never wanted to be a teacher, but I think it’s important to try and instill a solid education in today’s youth,’ said Caitlin Young, a senior fashion design major, who attended the event.

Lindsey Ciochina, the Senior Recruitment Director for the program, notified more than 70 SU students about Teach for America. After listening to TFA alumni rehash their ‘valuable experiences’ in their time spent as teachers, one might wonder whether this is really a program that is making an effective, difference, or one that enables students to feel like they’re making a difference.

‘It’s okay to put your life on hold for two years to come and teach in the corps,’ Ciochina said. Although that might be true, if teaching is something you really want to put your heart into, why ‘put your life on hold?’ Why not make it your life?

Krystie Yandoli is a freshman in The College of Arts and Sciences. Her columns appear every Tuesday. She can be reached at