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Women and Gender : Majority of Generation Y supports gay rights, should pressure government

Women and Gender :  Majority of Generation Y supports gay rights, should pressure government

After a summer victory for gay marriage — here’s lookin’ at you, New York — same-sex marriage is about to approach a much greater hurdle when Proposition 8 makes its way to the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

The hearing will decide whether Prop 8 supporters have a legal standing to appeal the decision to overturn Prop 8 and once again legalize same-sex marriage. This means looking at gay marriage from a national perspective and could change the political discourse for gay and lesbian rights.

New York is the most populated state to legalize gay marriage so far. But there are still 44 states where same-sex couples are denied this basic human right, and the Supreme Court will decide California’s future. Instead of lingering on New York’s success, it’s time to focus on these remaining 44 states, in which young people can play a major role.

The Gallup Poll reported in May 2011 that for the first time a majority of Americans — 53 percent — believe the law should recognize same-sex marriage. The same report implies that the future of legal gay marriage rests with America’s youth: 70 percent among those aged 18 to 34 support gay marriage in comparison to 39 percent among those 55 and older.

Americans aged 18 to 34 have inherited a hefty load of issues, from dealing with the repercussions of a spiraling economy to an overwhelming debt crisis. The pressure to take on old issues and address new problems is overwhelming, as pundits label us generation ‘Q’ for quiet.

But making strides in the fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights is feasible. Gay marriage must be the defining social movement of Generation Y. We have strength in numbers — 70 percent of people in favor of one belief is astronomical, and it’s time to take advantage of it. Research proves we have the power to shift the political discourse on this matter.  

There are a number of ways in which America’s youth can rally together and urge the passing of gay marriage in the remaining states.

Young people must put pressure on President Barack Obama to officially support gay marriage. On many occasions, the president has defended his support for gay rights and has even passed positive, game-changing legislation, namely repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, which bans same-sex married couples from receiving the same federal benefits available to opposite-sex married couples, and ‘don’t ask don’t tell’.

This doesn’t mean anything, however, until Obama can verbalize his commitment toward gay marriage. He still hasn’t endorsed gay marriage specifically without alluding to LGBT rights in general. Encourage the president by writing him letters, creating online petitions at and publicizing activism around gay marriage so that the world knows our stance.

When he sees this issue being prioritized by our generation in big numbers, Obama will realize the seriousness of our commitment toward achieving this basic human right for all Americans.

America’s youth can continue the momentum around LGBT rights in other ways, as well. We have the luxury of being one of the most creative and technologically advanced generations in history, and it would be prudent to use these skills productively. Social networking is one of our most powerful tools.

Young people can coordinate a massive Twitter campaign targeted for @RickSantorum, @MicheleBachmann and other politicians who signed the anti-gay marriage pledge titled the ‘Marriage Vow.’

Most importantly, don’t underestimate the power of one vote. A constitutional amendment barring gays from marrying will be on the Minnesota ballot in 2012. This will be a common tactic used by the conservative, anti-gay movement because it has been effective in banning gay marriage in other states, like Proposition 8 in California. As election season approaches, make sure to pay attention to the candidates in the 2012 elections as well as the amendments regarding gay rights.

Krystie Yandoli is a senior women and gender studies major. Her column appears weekly. She can be reached at