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Obama fulfills gender issue promises during first year

Obama fulfills gender issue promises during first year

It’s hard to believe that an entire year has already passed since the election of President Barack Obama into the White House. Nov. 4th, 2008, was filled with exciting thoughts, ideas, and aspirations for the coming years. Many who were once fans of President Obama’s proposed change are now speculating that he is a ‘do-nothing’ president, who has accomplished little to nothing that he pledged.

False promises are always a let-down after every campaign. Despite a candidate’s victory, reality quickly sets in and larger issues take precedence. One year later, an honest evaluation reveals the ‘other business’ Obama has taken care of in the midst of our serious economic crisis, dire health care debate, and the ongoing war in the Middle East.

Not only has Obama accomplished minor changes but also his legislation and actions have especially spoken to issues of gender in the United States. In less than two weeks his new administration upheld a commitment to women’s and equal rights by following through with the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. This essentially amended the previous Civil Rights Act of 1964 to decipher what kinds of actions are considered discriminatory. It also states that individuals are allowed to receive back pay as a kind of reimbursement for experiencing this unfairness up to two years after filing a complaint.

Two months later his administration also announced the creation of the White House Council on Women and Girls. Their purpose is to make sure that females are treated fairly and considered in terms of public policy. ‘I want to be clear that issues like equal pay, family leave, child care and others are not just women’s issues, they are family issues and economic issues,’ said President Obama when announcing the new council. ‘Our progress in these areas is an important measure of whether we are truly fulfilling the promise of our democracy for all our people.’

The President also spent little to no time appointing qualified women to his Cabinet and in other areas of the U.S. government. Judge Sotomayor was a significant appointment because she is the first Hispanic judge, and third female, to hold a seat on the Supreme Court.

It would have been impossible for Obama to ignore women’s rights issues as a priority. His triumph over former Sen. Hillary Clinton (current Secretary of State) in the Democratic primary elections left feminists anxious to see what Obama was capable of accomplishing in terms of gender. After growing up around women and being surrounded by women in his immediate family today, the President wasn’t left with any other options but to help build the bridge between the gender gap in America.

Even though 365 days may seem like an ample amount of time, more years are required in order for Obama to achieve all of his goals. Aside from matters of war and peace, gay marriage is still not legal in all 50 states, and Obama has done a less than superb job of addressing LGBT issues in America. While these are important affairs that need to be recognized, the President has succeeded in embarking on a journey toward the subject of gender equality.

Kim Gandy, former President of the National Organization of Women (N.O.W.), both recognized the need to do more and was encouraging of President Obama and his staff throughout all of his changes. ‘There is a lot of policy work yet to be done,’ she said. ‘But I believe they’re committed to doing it.’

The same change that was promised in 2008 has not completely infiltrated all of our lives yet, because it is necessary for all individuals to commit to this change.

Krystie Yandoli is a sophomore women’s studies major. Her columns appear weekly. She can be reached at