Letter to the Editor : Block Party coverage misses portion of students impressed by performance
I was highly disappointed in the coverage of Block Party 2011 in Monday’s issue of The Daily Orange. While the details of the concert were accurate, the portrayal of the reaction was poor. By my count, only two students were interviewed and incidentally they both contribute to the same music blog, Hold My Coat. I have read and truly admire Hold My Coat. They do a phenomenal job, and I give all the credit in the world to Max Gredinger and his team. However, it was irresponsible of The D.O. to include only two students’ opinions on an event as big as Block Party. In addition, the piece gives nary a mention of the guest appearance by Chip The Ripper, an affiliated act of Kid Cudi, as well as an artist whose following could have allowed him to hold a solo show on campus had he wished.
Throughout the piece, author Flash Steinbeiser offers his opinion that the concert was unimpressive and poorly executed by headliner Kid Cudi. While I cannot debate opinion, it was my personal experience that not only were people satisfied, but wholly impressed by the performance. Cudi’s stage presence and showmanship were unrivaled this year by other acts on campus. He didn’t just play music. He put on a show (something Flash criticizes, stating, ‘At some points, he spent more time talking to his band or the audience about his personal life than actually singing.’)
Maybe Flash did interview others, but this student’s experience was far different from what was portrayed Monday in The D.O., and I doubt I’m the only one who feels this way.
Bob O’Brien
Undeclared freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences