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Syverud to provide updates to campus community in address

Syverud to provide updates to campus community in address

Chancellor Kent Syverud will speak at 4 p.m. in the Milton Atrium in the Life Sciences Complex. Daily Orange File Photo

Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud will give an address on Tuesday afternoon to the campus community inside the Milton Atrium in the Life Sciences Complex.

During his speech, Syverud will reflect on recent issues and accomplishments at the university in addition to providing updates on different university initiatives, according to an SU News release.

The speech will essentially serve as a State of the University address, something that used to formally exist at SU. Former Chancellor Kenneth “Buzz” Shaw gave the address annually during his time as chancellor to provide updates on university initiatives. The address stopped being held sometime during former Chancellor Nancy Cantor’s tenure.

Syverud took over as SU’s chancellor in January 2014. At the heart of his tenure thus far has been Fast Forward Syracuse, his three-pronged initiative aimed at advancing both the university’s academics and its physical appearance.

Syverud’s speech on Tuesday will begin at 4 p.m.