Duck: Sam Blum

Autumn Wilson
Asst. Sports Copy | Spring 2014-Fall 2014; Asst. Sports Editor | Spring 2015; Sports Editor | Fall 2015
Bailey: When you called me to offer me the copy editor job, I told you that you “made my day.” In reality, that moment was the beginning of the two best years of my life. You’re first here because you gave me that chance. Working four or five nights a week can be excruciating. But when I think about what why I love The D.O. and what it means to me, I think of you. Working with you was my favorite semester. Having you as someone I can trust and learn from since is something I wouldn’t trade for anything. There’s a reason why I’m just one in a very long line of ducks that you will star in. Thank you for being what’s great about The D.O.
Jesse: You were a copy editor and I was a staff writer, and you were the person that always kept me informed when it was all so exciting to me. We’re D.O. Sports Class of 2016, and that means so much to me. I truly do look up to you. Like you always said, I may be older, but at The D.O., you have the seniority. And I know for a fact I wouldn’t have been half the writer I was if you weren’t there to set the example. I love you as a friend, and respect you as a writer. You might be the best editor I’ve worked with, and might be the most talented writer I’ve ever met.
Grossman: I’m glad that if you are leaving, at least I am too. When I was a copy editor, and you were a staff writer, I pushed you to be better and to set lofty goals. I don’t know how much it helped, but I feel satisfied knowing that I was right to have such a high opinion of you. You were such a fun person to work in house with. I implicitly trust your opinion, because you are a pragmatist, as well as funny and witty. You are a true friend. Also to whoever is SE next fall, put Grossman on football and basketball. You won’t regret it.
Schneid: You’re the person I’ve been on every beat with for the past two years — the Kettles are steaming! If I didn’t have you to compete with, I don’t think I ever would have become a better writer or reporter. I can sense that drive in you to always be better. Some people just want titles and jobs and success, but you’ll do what it takes to get there.
Schwed: You’re the backbone and MVP of the section. If there was anyone else doing your job this semester, I don’t know how I would have done mine. You treat your responsibility like your duty more than anyone I’ve worked with, and because of that, you will be great. For you, it’s not about the result, it’s about what it takes to get that result. For you, it’s not about being sports editor someday, it’s about learning everything you can. I tell everyone in sports to be like you and look up to you because it’s you that I want to be like. You’re the role model, not just for people that want to succeed in journalism, but in life as well. I’ll never forget our first D.O. road trip. The hero mission. The “Ya’ll here for ACC?” The good times with Schwed, they never end. #EatUp
Labinty: You are chock full of big ideas, and you have an encyclopedic mind. Don’t ever stop trying to execute on them, but also don’t forget to walk before you can run. You can be like the great writers that you idolize, but make sure you do what it takes to get there.
Sma: The Janusse in me will think you’re a selfish jerk no matter what. But the real, OG Sma will be grateful for the great friend you’ve become. I love your spontaneity and willingness to always go to a Mets game. They say a true friend is someone that you can do nothing with and still have a great time, and that’s how I think of you. You’ve got all the potential in the world to be great, now go make it happen.
Mettus: The hardest moment of my Daily Orange career was calling you to say that you weren’t hired as a copy editor. I think it would be easy to say that you proved me wrong, or Phil wrong the semester before, but I don’t think that’s the right way to look at it. You became one of the most talented people at this place. You took a vague job and made yourself invaluable. I know how much The Daily Orange means to you and I’m glad that you mean a lot to it.
Klinger:You assigned me my first A1. You were the first person in house I aspired to be like. You remind me so much of what makes me excited about writing and The D.O. One heart might not mean what it used to, but that’s really because you aren’t here.
Trevor: Not everyone may understand our humor, but I think we’re some of the funniest people around. You’re the kind of person that’s always down to do something fun, and there’s something to be said for that. The cold-blooded 3s in media cup were impressive but you can still never hit one over me.
Phil: You always tried to make fun of me, but I think when it’s all said and done, we were actually friends. Tradition and The Daily Orange mean everything to you, and it’s evident. You were willing to give up your spot for the greater good. For you, I have nothing but respect.
Wilson: I only worked with you when I transitioned. It was my favorite week ever of working at The D.O. You’re the man. It’s always the 16th inning somewhere.
Chris Iseman: Thanks for giving me women’s tennis. And thanks for not cutting me off when I sucked at covering the team.
Pete Iorizzo: You were always friendly and a great person to work with. It meant a lot to me that you gave me an opportunity this summer. It was special to work with someone from a different generation of D.O. Sports. I’m glad I could end my summer by finally talking to Jeff Hoffman. Mission accomplished.
Eric/Steph Meister: Ya’ll are, in the most genuine way, really like family to me. Hopefully someday I can repay every favor you’ve done for me.
Alexa Diaz: If everyone in this world was like you, it would be a better place. Thankfully, we have you and are lucky for that.
Sara: I know it sounds cliché, but your laugh lights up a room. You always ask what people want at the dining hall, always ask to fill up everyone’s water bottle and want to save every stray cat. You have a huge heart and will find success at The D.O. if you continue to work as hard and believe that you’re capable. I know you are.
Justin: You’re the smartest person in any room you walk in, but you’re too humble to flaunt it. One of these days, I want to go to a baseball game, and I want you to teach me about life. Thanks for showing me Jrecks and for being a great friend.
Logan: There isn’t anyone better to do a road trip with. You’re willing to go anywhere. You’re willing to drive at night. You could sleep on the chair upright or even on a hardwood floor. Your willingness to be that type of person made you a fantastic photo editor.
Jess: I did a read with you on my Michael Sandel coverage in 2012. That was my first byline. You were someone I looked up to then and that never changed. The bestMonday of our lives happened last semester. Not only did we uncover some real sh*t, but I did it with a true Daily Orange legend.
Annie Palmer: The most chill person out there. I always feel like I can be myself around you. That’s the kind of friend you are.
Alfred: I can always have an honest conversation with you. There aren’t many people like that. It’s that quality that will make you successful but will also get you into many more “best fights.”
Casey: Part of the awe of getting hired my first semester was getting to work with you. Impressing you with my stories was always at the top of my mind whenever I filed.
Meredith: People say we’re both gossips. I take that as a compliment. I know you’re a friend because we could fight about 100 different things but we’ll always be able to move past it. You claim to have taught me how to write a nutgraf. I’ll take your word for it.
Mara: No one puts the paper and the people first like you do. You could be having the worst day, have the most homework, the printer could call and all hell could break loose. But if I came to you with a problem, then you would make sure it mattered. That’s what separates leaders from non-leaders, the ability to put themselves behind everything else. You do that admirably. There is no one more capable of being in charge. And I’m grateful and fortunate to call you a friend … one that loves country music and The Daily Orange even more than I do.
Chloe: One of these days, you’ll realize how f*cking amazing you are. And yes, I cursed because I know you won’t. Everything you touch turns to gold. Everyone you talk to is a happier and better person because of it. You’re a much, much stronger person than you’d ever give yourself credit for. Through everything, you’ve been a friend that I can talk to. Even when there’s a basketball guide to design, a holocaust paper to write and a hundred other things pop up, you’re there. The D.O. doesn’t mean what it does to me without you. And even if not everyone recognizes it, I know you’re the most talented person here. I just wish I was a president of the Nice Person Club.
Parents: Thanks for always reading and texting when you read. You always seemed to like the stories I wrote, even when I didn’t … and it means something coming from two writers.
Pete Morelli: You command respect from everyone that knows you. To have your respect means that much more. Someday you’ll be in the Navy or a biologist or the best and tannest lifeguard. No matter what it is, you’ll do well.
Sam, Danny and Kevin: Danny, remember when we were Tennis Beat Bros? Remember when we ran a half marathon? I met you when you lacked confidence. To see the person you have become makes me proud. Kevin, you haven’t changed one bit, and I love you for it. I’m pretty sure you could have a conversation with just about anyone in the world. You think about everything and always speak your mind. We’ll be Demathletes for life. Sam, you’re a loyal friend, the first one that I made at Syracuse. I know that will never change.
Andres: You’ve been my best friend since I knew what it meant to have one. Even if you’re halfway across the country, it feels like you’re there in everything I do. There are only so many hours in the day, but I always make sure I save at least one to talk with you. Whether that be on the phone in the corner of The D.O. or if you call at 4 a.m. People might think only five percent of what we say is funny, but we make each other laugh. I’m proud of the person you are, it’s a person that I look up to. We’re just living between the blinks.
Brett: Whenever I thought about writing this duck — and for the past few weeks, that was a lot — it was always what I’d say to you that I fixated on the most. My time at The Daily Orange has so much to do with the time I spent with you. We came through this place together — from the time you were just a quiet kid that always wore sweatpants to now, a person that I truly consider to be a best friend. I could joke about the Plain Burger Thursdays, the Hans Peter Schmidt’s (hey Hans!) or the time we spent 45 minutes crying in Chris’ office (sorry for the broken post-it holder), but those are only parts of a two-year whole. You’re my family, my brother and a genuinely great person that people will always gravitate toward. There are 10 times a day I stop myself from texting you because literally everything that makes me laugh I want to share with you. We spent a day in Buffalo sitting on different park benches and getting Boston Market and it was my favorite day of the summer. That’s just the person you are. We’ve got the same birthday (sorta), same major, same minor, and thankfully the same glasses prescription. It’s no wonder we ended up in the same place. You’ve always been there for me and I’ll always be there for you. I’ll see you on the other side, brother. It’s not our problem anymore.