Duck: Charlie DiSturco

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator
Asst. Sports Copy Editor | Spring 2017; Asst. Sports Editor | Fall 2017
If you told me one year ago I’d be sitting on my couch writing a duck because I worked in house two semesters, I’d laugh in your face. Crazy how things have changed. It’s been one fun, interesting ride.
Mattingly: Without you sending me, a random freshman, that email connecting me to Schneid, I’d never be at The D.O. I owe you more than you can ever imagine.
Schneid: Thank you for entrusting me with my first beat and looking out for me that first semester. I’ll catch you at Lucy’s.
Grossman: Where do I start? You’ve always had my back no matter what and always gave me advice when I needed it. Without you, I wouldn’t have worked in house, let alone be an assistant. You truly are a great friend and brother. I hope you know I will always be there for you.
Guti: STUD! From our first beat together doing post-game recap videos of tennis games to men’s lacrosse to all the Pastabilities or Dark Horse Tavern meals and drives home, you truly are one of my best friends. I can’t wait for football and men’s basketball senior year and all the memories to come. It’s only fitting we’re ducking out together.
Graham: What a journey, huh? We entered in house together, and I never imagined how close we’d end up getting. I know you’re gonna kill it as sports editor. It’s the end of an era — no more laps! Young ones for life.
Schafer: The big man! I know you’re gonna kill it next semester, and I’m so glad to call you one of my closest friends. From field hockey to in house and back, it’s been one fun ride. Catch ya at the gym.
Tomer: Thank you for putting up with all the “Tom” nicknames I’ve given you and for giving me a chance as sports copy. You’re my Italian brother, and I know we’ll definitely be munching on some gabbagool soon. Catch these hands in 2K and get ready to listen to “Passionfruit” on repeat.
Fortier: I’m so happy we got close over the past year. I always knew your name, but we never really talked until men’s lacrosse. Now, the jokes are endless. That’ll forever be the best beat team (sheesh, that transcription doc). I know I’ll see you in SI one day. Shooters Shoot.
Bloss: I’m so glad you transitioned from Pulp to Sports. You’re a great friend, and I never imagined how close we’d get. Now that I’ve got some more free time, it’s time to “die up!”
Schwed: I remember when we used to argue when I was a delinquent first-semester sophomore. Man, how the times have changed. Thank you for everything, and I look forward to our lacrosse talks next semester. KenPom for life.
Jesse: You may not remember this, but you giving me writing tips and critiquing my work over lunch at Ernie Davis meant more than you could think. Thank you for always looking out for me.
Big Bill: You’re a workhorse and a half. That drive is going to take you extremely far. I’m glad you joined the staff this semester.
McCleary: Looking forward to your big first day!
Burke: I still remember not knowing if you liked me for the first few months when I first worked in house. Now, I can’t help but laugh at that thought.
Satoshi: You’re an amazing person and so selfless. I always loved the days you’d sit in Sports. I can’t wait to see what you do in life.
Ally: You’re a great friend and are always there for me. I’m so happy we’ve gotten close over the past semester.
Ali: What’s up, stud? Thanks for always being talkative when designing Sports. Those were the best days. I know you’re gonna kill it as PD next semester!
Stacy & Pulp: Thanks for making Pulp the place where I can go and loosen up by listening to rowdy music. Stacy, you’re an amazing person and great friend.
MGMT: Thanks for always hearing my concerns and giving me advice when needed. You really helped this semester.
Sports staffers: Working in house was one of the best decisions I’ve made. It improved my writing tenfold. Keep working hard and try to learn a lot from Graham and his staff. If you need help, I know the senior staffers (wow, I’m washed up) are always down to help.
Mom & Dad: Thanks for reading my stories and favoriting all of my tweets. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be at Syracuse. I’m eternally grateful for that.
Phi Delt: Thank you for giving me that perfect balance between work and social life. I know I’ve been busy for the majority of this semester, but I’m back, baby! Let’s have some fun. Damn proud, 1699.