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Benjamin: Chris Rock’s natural humor makes him the ideal host for the 88th Academy Awards

Benjamin: Chris Rock’s natural humor makes him the ideal host for the 88th Academy Awards

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced on Oct. 21 that the 88th Academy Awards, scheduled for Feb. 28, will be hosted by comedian Chris Rock. While last year’s Oscars were a disappointment in both ratings and entertainment, Rock is the perfect choice to help this beloved award show rebound.

Last year, the Academy faced major criticism for lack of diversity, as there were a total of zero minorities represented in the acting categories and the show was hosted by a white man. Though the Academy cannot directly control the nominees, they can directly influence the diversity of the show’s presentation, so choosing Chris Rock is a great step in the right direction.

This is not to say that Rock was chosen simply because of his race, as Rock is one of the greatest comedians alive. The decision to choose Rock shows that the Academy simply wants more representation on the stage of the Oscars, while also having a great host to boot.

As previously mentioned though, Rock brings so much more to the stage than his race. For one, he has a stellar track record. Rock last hosted the Oscars in 2005 — a show that was considered a major success. Rock’s material was edgy, yet appropriate and hilarious, and the show was one of the Oscar’s highest-rated ever. The decision to bring Rock back simply makes sense. Though he is a risky comedian, he is simultaneously a safe choice. He knows the Oscars, and he knows what to do in this situation. A lack of a learning curve will allow Rock to be comfortable and truly shine as host.

In the 11 years that have passed since Rock’s last hosting gig, the entertainment industry has changed significantly, and Chris Rock has changed with it. Last time he hosted, he was a regular stand-up comedian and movie star, but in the decade that has passed, Rock has matured into a full-blown artist, writing and directing his own films and creating documentaries.

Additionally, people grow and change significantly over the course of 11 years, and it will be exciting to see these changes in his comedy. A more mature Chris Rock can embed this life experience into jokes, and with an even greater understanding of movies and the industry than he had last time, can deliver a hilarious and relevant performance.

Last year, everything about the Academy Awards felt stuffy and overproduced. Everything was too sentimental and host Neil Patrick Harris seemed to be trying too hard with his forced songs and dances and somewhat flat magic tricks. This year, Chris Rock is making no attempts to sing and dance or do magic. All he has to do is stand on the stage, entertain the audience, and make the night go smoothly.

Audiences at home are impressed by musical numbers and magic, yes, but there is something special about the simplicity of laughter. Chris Rock will ensure that audiences will have a great time, and does not need to rely on all the bells and whistles. Like modern pop culture, he has an edge and a danger to him, but at the same time, he is reliable and even provokes nostalgia. The wheels of the 2016 Academy Awards bus are in motion, and with Chris Rock as the driver, it looks to be a smooth and fun ride.

Erik Benjamin is a sophomore television, radio and film major. You can email him or follow him @embenjamin14 on Twitter.