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Letter to the Editor

Former SA members endorse Gresely, Lopez for SA presidential race

Former SA members endorse Gresely, Lopez for SA presidential race

Concerned former Student Association members write this letter to encourage everyone to take the time to log onto MySlice and vote for your representatives — in favor/against both referendums — and comptroller. We endorse Boris and Daniela, and hope you will join us in voting for the two most qualified candidates.

The signatories include former representatives from several home colleges who served for more than two semesters and have been highly active both within and beyond SA. Furthermore, Federico served as vice-chair of academic affairs. Iggy was a presidential candidate during fall 2012.

We endorse Boris and Daniela because they have a genuine understanding of the workings of the SA, our active student body and the bureaucracies of the university’s administrations. The other candidates have failed to announce how they will address the underlying challenges of SA — the reason why they are running on similar platforms as countless candidates before.

Boris understands that he cannot represent every single undergraduate at SU and SUNY ESF, but can lead the organization, which aspires to represent all students. So Boris is proposing concrete solutions to work on restructuring the way students can be represented, and how representatives can communicate with constituents to collectively address the issues that are important to them, to us.

During our time in SA, we noticed repeatedly how representatives were voted in to only abandon the organization or the motivation they entered with after a few months. Boris understands this is because of a lack of leadership development and guidance from senior members. He knows that a merit system should reward representatives for accomplished initiatives rather than punish for missing meetings whose content have no effect on the student body.

Boris and Daniela are not campaigning on professed ideals or shadows of previous accomplishments. They did not run on three pillars because they know the student body has and will continue to work in correcting these problems, and the many more that other candidates have chosen not to prioritize. Instead Boris and Daniela have laid out an action plan so SA can be inclusive, transparent and effective — qualities absent in previous terms where Ivan and Duane both held leadership positions.

Vote An Alliance For Change.

Iggy – Former CAS Assembly Representative, Presidential Candidate
Musu Sirleaf – Former Newhouse Assembly Representative
Spencer Tingley – Former LC Smith Assembly Representative
Federico Vicente – Former CAS Representative, Academic Affairs Vice-Chair