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Letter to the Editor : Phi Delta Theta endorses Dylan Lustig

Letter to the Editor : Phi Delta Theta endorses Dylan Lustig

Life is full of defining moments. For more than 60 young men, our moment came when Phi Delta Theta fraternity returned to campus this fall. As Phi Delts, we have come together in a spirit of friendship, service, scholarship, integrity and chivalry. These are the pillars upon which Phi Delta Theta was founded, traits found at the core of every great leader.

When our brother, Dylan Lustig, announced his candidacy for president of Student Association, we immediately recognized another opportunity to positively affect campus. As a fraternity, we have fully supported Lustig in any way that we could. Today, I further that support by submitting this Letter to the Editor announcing Phi Delta Theta New York-Epsilon’s official endorsement.

As a fraternity that seeks to cultivate strong leaders, we are excited by the spirit of this election. The enthusiasm the student body has shown toward it has inspired the brothers of Phi Delta Theta to become more involved with the election by encouraging others to vote. We have seen numerous student organizations add their voice to the already vibrant conversation surrounding this exciting election.

As president of SA, Lustig would encourage students to participate in the day-to-day business of SA through a bill he proposed — the Home College Committees Bill. This bill creates a means of communication between the student body and the each college’s SA representatives. Initiatives like these help to enrich students’ experience and enable organizations to thrive.

In addition to increasing communication between the student body and SA, he is proposing that registration becomes easier for undeclared first-year students who want an opportunity to experience a breadth of classes offered at SU. He has already begun to work on this initiative by serving as a liaison between the students and the Academic Coordinating Committee. His platform also includes a revision to security policies on campus and increased involvement by students and SA members in community service activities.

Lustig may be a brother of Phi Delta Theta, but we are not supporting him based solely on that. Our fraternity endorses him because of what he is proposing, his vision for improving SU and the strength of his character. Increased partnership with campus organizations and greek fraternities and sororities will allow for a better coalition between all the organizations on campus. Better means of communication between groups on campus results in a better experience for all students involved in extracurricular activities.

Phi Delta Theta is calling on all students and student organizations to participate in the ongoing conversation regarding the election for SA president. The results of this vote shape not only the upcoming year, but the experiences students will have at SU for years to come.

From Monday to Thursday, we ask that the students of SU take a moment to let their voice be heard. It’s time to rock the SU vote, join the brothers of Phi Delta Theta and support Lustig’s campaign for SA president

Dwight Stevenson

President, Phi Delta Theta New York-Epsilon

Senior history major