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Letter to the Editor : Contrary to review, Spears’ most recent album tops charts, pushes boundaries

Letter to the Editor :  Contrary to review, Spears’ most recent album tops charts, pushes boundaries

In response to The Daily Orange’s review of Britney Spears’ new album, ‘Femme Fatale,’ it is obvious that the reviewer not only knows very little about modern pop music, but also lacks any real knowledge of the very artist he reviewed, other then what he can read on the nearest tabloid rack.

What the reviewer seems to have missed is that this wasn’t Spears’ ‘return’ to music. Instead of analyzing thoroughly the actual music at hand, the reviewer takes multiple jabs at Spears’ breakdown, which he seems to have forgotten took place four years ago.

Spears has only had four No. 1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100; three of them were released after 2008, including her most recent single, ‘Hold it Against Me,’ which debuted at the top of the chart, making her the second artist to have multiple debuts at No. 1.

Spears has stated in multiple interviews that her goal for this album was to be something for her fans to dance to, and that it is. For the reviewer to claim that ‘Femme Fatale’ is a ‘disappointing letdown’ to loyal fans is pure fiction. Fans and critics alike have praised the album, even some reviewers going to the extent of calling it ‘her best album yet.’

The reviewer contradicts himself repeatedly, blaming Spears for her poorly written lyrics, even though earlier claiming that Spears didn’t in fact write her own lyrics, and then once again claiming that she wrote the ending songs ‘half-hearted and unmotivated.’ With quick fact checking, it is easy to discover that Spears didn’t write any of the songs on ‘Femme Fatale,’ so to blame her for the lyrics is irresponsible journalism.

For me, this album didn’t get the fair review it deserved. Although it’s recently announced debut at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 will say enough, it is sad that people today still harp on her personal life, instead of focusing directly on her music and the influence it has on her competition. Her 2007 release, ‘Blackout,’ was referred to in Rolling Stone as ‘possibly the most influential pop album of the last 5 years.’

‘Femme Fatale’ explores new territory for American pop music and is a sign of what is to come. It isn’t meant to be some lyrically profound album — which dance-pop album is? According to the reviewer’s last sentiment, ‘…Baby One More Time’ is her better record. Obviously someone has never heard ‘E-mail my heart.’

Taylor Miller

Junior photography major