Letter to the Editor : Thursday’s anonymous letter cowardly
I am writing in response to the letter to the editor that was anonymously written Thursday concerning Student Association presidential candidate Neal Casey. Casey did not request that I write this letter, but I feel like someone should respond to the cowardly attack levied against him by a nameless, gutless student.
I have known Casey and worked with him a lot since I have been at Syracuse University. He is a hard worker who cares about issues that matter to students. He has always conducted himself in a professional manner and is always respectful to others.
Casey took on the university when it came to MayFest and ended up compromising to keep part of the SU experience. MayFest at Walnut Park was obviously not what everyone wanted but was definitely something everyone could enjoy. The student who attacked Casey in Thursday’s letter tried to undermine what Casey had done and what he continues to do to keep MayFest by saying it was Casey’s ‘baby’ and that ‘it is his own personal agenda.’ I think that the 4,000-plus students who enjoyed MayFest last year at Walnut Park would beg to differ.
The coward who wrote the letter to the editor on Thursday foolishly complained that Casey was not an acceptable candidate for SA president. You would think that if he or she had such a big problem with Casey as a candidate, he or she would do something about it, such as run for SA president. But alas, you can’t run for elected office anonymously. I would suggest the unnamed member of SA who wrote the letter on Thursday to grow a spine. Next time he or she wants to attack an upstanding member of the SU community like Casey, he or she should have the guts to do so using his or her actual name.
Patrick Mocete
Junior political science major