Letter to the Editor : Hydrofracking presents opportunity for students to make voices heard
The future of America’s energy economy could very well be taking shape in our campus’ backyard. In response to Luke Lanciano’s opinion piece on Nov. 16, SU College Democrats would like to announce some exciting news. Campus Progress, the youth outreach arm of the Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank in Washington, D.C., has recently approved the Environmental Studies Student Organization at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. The College Democrats chapter at Syracuse University will be collaborating with ESSO to raise awareness among students to pressure our lawmakers to recognize the environmental hazards of hydraulic fracturing. The Marcellus Shale is one of the largest deposits of natural gas in the North American continent, and the process that happens here will set a precedent for further drilling operations. Students can help determine whether or not Albany decides to favor short-term economic growth without considering any of the negative externalities or favor sustainable growth without endangering public health while setting an example for America. We, as College Democrats, believe in the latter and hope you will join us in the spring semester for the chance to work on this important initiative. The invitation is extended to any and all interested students. Please join our Facebook group, College Democrats’ Syracuse chapter and our e-mail listserv on OrgSync for updates and meeting times. Please direct any further questions to President Minda Conroe, at mcconroe@syr.edu.
Kevin M. Phu
Campaign Director of Citrus Political Action Committee
Minda Conroe
President of SU College Democrats