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Dimon protesters should consider different circumstances

Dimon protesters should consider different circumstances

On behalf of all of my fellow classmates in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management with half a brain, what is wrong with you? Do you even know what you are arguing for? You claim to be representing those students and parents who can’t afford to repay student loans and are struggling to look for jobs. Are you aware that without somebody like Jamie Dimon, who minimized JPMorgan’s exposure to the CDS markets and mortgage-backed securities, tens of thousands of more people would be out of work, most likely including parents or people you know? Do you even know what a credit default swap or mortgage-backed security is? Are you aware that JPMorgan took no government money? None. Are you aware that JP Morgan launched a $30 million initiative on our campus to help your fellow classmates get jobs that will most likely be gone if you keep up your blabbering, unfounded stupidity. You and your minions who need your two seconds of fame are an embarrassment to our school and alumni. Some of my closest friends’ college funds were saved because Jamie Dimon and JPMorgan saved Bear Stearns from going belly up. Try and at least sound like you know what you are talking about before going on TV and looking like you just landed from outer space.
Justin Kaskel
Sophomore finance major