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Self-Advocacy Network urges SU community to ‘spread the word to end the word’

Self-Advocacy Network urges SU community to ‘spread the word to end the word’

We have a request. We, people with developmental disabilities and their allies, ask that the Syracuse University community pledge to stop using the words ‘retard,’ ‘retarded’ and ‘mental retardation.’ We know these words will still exist, but we ask that you replace these words that have derogatory associations with the word ‘respect.’ We ask professors, students and other ‘educated’ people to treat people with developmental disabilities with respect and dignity. This means bringing awareness to hurtful and inaccurate usages of language.

Often, people speak for others and seem to think it is all right to make determinations for others. But we believe one should only speak for oneself, and here, a large group of people are speaking and we (you) must listen. Developmentally disabled adults have faced injustices for many years – like institutionalization and denial of literacy – and have come out fighting. But we need your help.

Last March, the Self-Advocacy Network gathered together with students and allies in conjunction with marches across the country. About 30 people marched around campus handing out approximately 1,200 flyers and fact sheets. We, at the Self-Advocacy Network, are celebrating the ‘End the R-word Awareness Day’ on campus again on Wednesday, March 3. If you would like to support this worldwide movement, join us at 9:30 am at the Center on Human Policy and Disability Studies. For more information, please go to

We ask you to ‘Spread the Word to End the Word.’

Chris Paronis

Secretary, Self-Advocacy Network

Zosha Stuckey

Graduate Student