Questions asked and information shared
As has never been my tradition, I planned this week to open up my e-mail inbox and answer questions from readers.
Q: So what happened?
A: I forgot that I don’t get e-mails.
Q: Well, don’t you always have your e-mail address at the bottom of these things?
A: Yeah, but it’s pretty much worthless. I don’t think anybody ever gets to the end.
Q: So instead you’re doing a question-and-answer column with yourself?
A: Yup. Pathetic, I know. I feel like a bigger slimeball than Roger Lodge.
Q: Couldn’t you have possibly come up with something better?
A: Well, all the other gimmicks have already been taken. Song lyrics. Crossword puzzles. Those lame crystal-ball parody seasons that everyone likes to make up.
Q: What about something that’s actually, uh, sports related?
A: See, that’s the thing. I’d planned to write a big piece about the Syracuse football team. A nice, old-fashioned rip job. Then something messed it all up.
Q: What’s that?
A: The team actually won.
Q: Man, it’s just one game. You’ve gotta lay off them for a bit. OK, OK, let’s get off the subject. So, I understand you went to Coach P’s press conference yesterday afternoon.
A: Hey, that’s not a question! Play by the rules, damnit. There’s a reason for that stinkin’ ‘Q’ by your sentences.
Q: Sorry, sorry. Good point. I’ll try again. So, did you learn anything from listening to Coach?
A: Oh yeah, plenty. He talked about the big win Saturday. He gave a little report on the next game.
Q: Yeah? And what does Coach P think about the Louisville offense?
A: ‘Very good,’ he said. ‘Excellent. Very, very good. They’re a very good team.’
Q: What does he think of the team’s quarterback?
A: ‘Excellent.’
Q: What does he think of the team’s running back?
A: ‘Very good.’
Q: What do you think about Coach P’s scouting report?
A: Excellent. Very, very comprehensive.
Q: Wow. I didn’t know a press conference could be so enthralling. Did you happen to notice any other tidbits of interest?
A: Yes, in fact. I have some good news to report.
Q: What’s that?
A: Syracuse doesn’t have a coffee machine in its team cafeteria.
Q: And that’s good … why?
A: Well, the NCAA’s been cracking down lately. If a player’s urine is found to contain too much caffeine, he could be in trouble.
Q: Like, how much trouble?
A: Depends on the amount. If the drug test turns up more than 15 micrograms/ml, it counts as a banned drug by the NCAA.
Q: Yikes. If you’re an athlete who really enjoys iced coffees, do you have reason to worry?
A: Yes. You are indeed in danger. Do you know how small a milliliter is?
Q: No, do you?
A: No idea. But it sure sounds small.
Q: So why aren’t more people aware of this?
A: Thankfully, I think people are slowly becoming educated. I read in TV Guide that the next episode of ESPN’s ‘Playmakers’ features a quarterback who’s been making a few too many trips to Starbucks.
Q: Then again, he wouldn’t be the only football player in trouble, would he?
A: No, definitely not. Rod Rutherford – he’s Pittsburgh’s senior quarterback – recently got slapped with two misdemeanors for an incident with a 19-year-old girl outside a bar called Philthy McNasty’s.
Q: Sounds really classy. Think it would be a good idea if we found a couple chicks and went to that place?
A: Dude, we’re the same person. That’s a tough way to double date.
Q: So what’s your take on the whole Rutherford thing?
A: Well, his coach only punished him by sitting him on the bench for one quarter in a game against Kent State.
Q: As in, Kent Read, Kent Write, Kent State?
A: Exactly. Anyway, before you interrupted me, I was just going to say something nice about Coach P.
Q: What’s that?
A: I’m pretty sure he would have given a player who did that the proper punishment.
Q: So in other words, he’s not softer than fondue?
A: Right, exactly. I give him props for that. He gives out the discipline when it’s warranted.
Q: Think he’s gonna be happy that a little student reporter is giving him kudos?
A: No. I’m sure if he ever started reading this column to begin with, he certainly didn’t get to the end of it.
Q: But that’s OK, right?
A: Totally. He did himself a favor, actually. This effort of mine wasn’t ‘very, very good.’
Chico Harlan is a staff writer for The Daily Orange, where his columns appear each Tuesday. E-mail him at